
Archive for the ‘From Our Vantage Point’ Category

Discovering New Ways

Just wanted to let you know that we are trying out a new blogging site.  If you would like to check out some of our new posts there, please visit us: valireflections.blogspot.com

Hope you enjoy some of the clips we have uploaded there.

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Family Portraits

We just had the opportunity to get some family portraits done, and wanted to share some of the pictures with you.

We got some really great pictures of the family and of Micah and Kiersten.  Hope you enjoy!

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The Big Thing

Today, the big thing with Micah is Uncle Michael.  He has asked to see his picture several times today…the one with Michael driving the jeep (with a pickup truck and tractor in the background).  We’ve talked about Uncle Michael alot today.  Even Grandmom Muth has been the topic.  He has said “Grandmom Muff is coming tonight!”  I can’t wait…but I think it may be some other night…maybe we’ll go see Grandmom Muth.

Kiersten is growing up, too.  She has been practicing standing up on her own and crawling really fast.  She is having too much fun, it is hard to settle down to nap!

Spring feels like it is coming quickly.  I can’t wait…Tim can’t wait…we’ve been planning for a garden and other fine plants around our place.  I look forward to getting outside more with the kids and playing in the dirt a bit once the weather warms up.  Want to join us, Grandmom Muth?

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Mommy’s Little Update

Micah makes me laugh with his little phrases he has been learning and his boisterous singing. He just learned a phrase this afternoon after a dramatic incident in the bathroom: “Never put balls in the toilet!” There were four balls that made it in this time (with one soft one that had been there before). After some reprimanding I asked to see if he understood, “Do we throw balls in the toilet?” He answered very affirmatively, “No!” Good boy.

What about Kiki? She woke up happy today…a first in a very long time. Hooray! We’re still working on lengthening nap times to longer than one hour. Mommy is also trying to learn how to get things out of her mouth once they have made their entrance…those two bottom teeth are sharp!

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It’s A Girl!

We had an ultrasound today and were thrilled to find out the LORD has given us a baby girl! She is healthy, on schedule, and shy. . . like her Mama. We would have liked to share pictures, but did not receive any that were very clear. She decided to face her back toward us when we were ready for her snapshot. Oh, well . . . we’re sure she’s a cutie like her big brother!

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We are excited to share the news of the new addition to our growing family. What a wonderful surprise the Lord had in store for us when we found out the news on Labor Day.

Although it was just a hunch, I was the first to realize that Sarah was pregnant while we were sitting in church on the day before Labor Day. I looked over at Sarah during the message time, and I saw a look I had not seen for a number of months. I am not sure I can describe it exactly, but it was the same look I had seen in the early weeks of her pregnancy with Micah. On the way home from church, I suggested that we find out if she were pregnant or not. We waited until we could both see the results (with Micah in Daddy’s arms), and we both let out a gasp of amazement when we saw that indeed she was pregnant again. Micah definitely shared in our excitement.

Last Monday, Micah got to share the joyful news with my parents, as he proudly wore an “I’m a Big Brother” t-shirt. What fun to share the news! If you would like to see some of my family’s reactions, you can check out the video below. There is also some bonus footage if you watch to the end.

I am very glad that Micah will have the opportunity to grow up with a sibling close in age. I loved (for the most part) having a big brother 18 months older than me. It is wonderful that Micah will get to experience the same joy, although Micah’s sibling will be even closer with Sarah’s due date being April 28 (making them 14 months apart).

Sarah was able to tell the news to her parents on the ride up to see my family on that Monday. They were excited to find out that they now have a dozen grandkids!

We thank the Lord for being so gracious to us, and blessing us far beyond what we deserve, or what we could ever hope for.

“Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: He is their help and shield. The Lord hath been mindful of us: He will bless us; He will bless the house of Israel; He will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless them that fear the Lord, both small and great. The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children. Ye are blessed of the Lord which made heaven and earth.” Psalm 115:9-15

Although this Psalm is certainly describing God’s physical blessings upon the nation of Israel (and our view of God’s blessing should not be seen in light of what many consider “material blessings”) we exalt the Lord for finding it good in His sight to give us another child.

May we have grace to raise this little one up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, that both he/she and Micah may love and serve Him with gladness.

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The Haircut

Well, it was finally time (maybe past time) for Micah to get his first haircut. We thought you might enjoy seeing some before and after pictures. Daddy did his best to give his little boy a sharp looking haircut. We are posting a couple before and after pictures below. We actually tried to “tame” his hair on the before shots, but to no avail. And yes, we did save a lock of his hair (actually four of them). By the way, Micah loves his rubber ducky.





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Two Teeth and a Chicken

Micah has had a two teeth break through. After two months of drooling and gnawing on his hand, Micah now has his two front teeth on his bottom gum. Daddy has personally experienced that they are sharp.

For those of you who thought that we gave Micah chicken to celebrate this momentous occasion, we did not. The chicken really has nothing to do with Micah’s teeth. We have included a video of Micah having fun with the chicken as Mommy and Daddy played with him. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Tomorrow (August 15) will be Micah’s six month birthday. If any of you are celebrating half birthday’s, please include Micah on your list, as well as Micah’s mommy since her birthday falls so close to Christmas. Any suggestions about how to celebrate? We thought that adding rice to his pallet would be just the thing.

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Growing Up

Micah has been growing so much lately. We’re so proud of him! Of course it really is the LORD that allows him to make progress. Praise the LORD for progress!

Now at four months Micah has already begun the teething process…lots of drooling and lots of crying (poor little guy!). He’s been much more attentive and focuses on everything. Some favorites are Daddy’s big birthday balloon and pictures in a book. Daddy likes to read to him. Mommy was fascinated by Micah following where Daddy was reading, it almost seemed as though he was following the words (of course we all think our kids are geniuses…but Micah really is!).


Physically Micah is taking some leaps in the area of mobility. He has finally learned that being on his tummy can be very comfortable. Daddy thinks he is ready to crawl and gives him much practice. Micah’s legs are strong and he loves to “stand” and has just found the enjoyment of kicking and squirming while being changed. He loves that game!


This weekend we look forward to meeting our little nephew Aaron Muth. Micah is excited to see his cousin and wonders if he is almost as tall as Aaron is. We can’t wait to see Uncle Michael and Aunt Jenny, too. Hope they have a safe trip.


Just wanted to give you the inside scoop on Mom and Dad…they’re lots of fun when they’re left alone! – Micah


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Doing Well

Micah has been doing very well over the past number of weeks.  He is eating well, and for the last week and a half, he has been sleeping all the way through the night (9-11 hours).  We daily thank the Lord for our little boy.







This is what happens if mommy and daddy don’t dry my hair after a bath.


I need a hair cut!


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